all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3RR 32 0 53.777088 -2.728028
PR2 3RS 9 0 53.777302 -2.726727
PR2 3RT 20 0 53.7774 -2.729855
PR2 3RU 23 0 53.777885 -2.728528
PR2 3RW 20 0 53.776482 -2.722722
PR2 3RX 51 0 53.778432 -2.725806
PR2 3RY 31 0 53.777082 -2.725949
PR2 3SA 2 0 53.77662 -2.7248
PR2 3SB 40 0 53.778311 -2.725015
PR2 3SD 27 0 53.778185 -2.721977
PR2 3SE 14 0 53.778666 -2.727221
PR2 3SF 20 0 53.777493 -2.723544
PR2 3SH 30 0 53.77917 -2.72855
PR2 3SJ 22 0 53.779501 -2.727281
PR2 3SL 21 0 53.779216 -2.72547
PR2 3SN 2 0 53.778861 -2.72584
PR2 3SP 24 0 53.779553 -2.72622
PR2 3SQ 6 4 53.780115 -2.725395
PR2 3SR 12 0 53.775534 -2.726363
PR2 3SS 23 0 53.775785 -2.727976