all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3TW 18 0 53.777811 -2.734748
PR2 3TX 44 1 53.779855 -2.738517
PR2 3TY 32 4 53.779063 -2.737229
PR2 3TZ 6 0 53.776745 -2.729692
PR2 3UA 32 0 53.777854 -2.736464
PR2 3UB 24 0 53.778401 -2.736701
PR2 3UD 31 0 53.780658 -2.736483
PR2 3UE 20 0 53.780691 -2.735648
PR2 3PH 1 0 53.779795 -2.734704
PR2 3UH 33 0 53.780642 -2.734767
PR2 3UJ 21 0 53.780607 -2.739062
PR2 3UL 27 0 53.780196 -2.737173
PR2 3UN 25 0 53.779101 -2.739764
PR2 3UP 25 0 53.778163 -2.738943
PR2 3UQ 32 0 53.778339 -2.740903
PR2 3UR 32 0 53.778462 -2.738432
PR2 3US 16 0 53.794667 -2.722443
PR2 3UT 34 0 53.795289 -2.722135
PR2 3UU 18 0 53.795229 -2.721602
PR2 3UX 52 0 53.794266 -2.721753