all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3ST 9 0 53.777691 -2.721848
PR2 3SU 26 0 53.795495 -2.720635
PR2 3SX 43 0 53.795088 -2.724059
PR2 3SY 30 0 53.776637 -2.740084
PR2 3TA 18 0 53.777204 -2.738364
PR2 3TB 25 0 53.777867 -2.740182
PR2 3TD 39 0 53.777495 -2.740828
PR2 3TE 11 0 53.77713 -2.740245
PR2 3TF 25 1 53.77685 -2.73024
PR2 3TG 4 0 53.783118 -2.74287
PR2 3TH 20 0 53.778886 -2.729501
PR2 3TJ 8 0 53.77796 -2.730942
PR2 3TL 35 0 53.77806 -2.72932
PR2 3TN 5 0 53.778604 -2.729921
PR2 3TP 25 0 53.778868 -2.730912
PR2 3TQ 9 0 53.778184 -2.732463
PR2 3TR 6 0 53.777959 -2.732551
PR2 3TS 5 0 53.777744 -2.733545
PR2 3TT 38 0 53.776951 -2.732852
PR2 3TU 8 0 53.776963 -2.733808