all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3QP 31 0 53.779119 -2.720658
PR2 3QQ 20 0 53.780173 -2.720282
PR2 3QR 22 0 53.779668 -2.719029
PR2 3QS 6 0 53.779357 -2.719979
PR2 3QT 4 1 53.780538 -2.719332
PR2 3QU 28 0 53.78166 -2.721051
PR2 3QW 10 0 53.782825 -2.720084
PR2 3QX 24 0 53.782964 -2.721028
PR2 3QY 21 0 53.782387 -2.721215
PR2 3QZ 51 0 53.782924 -2.724578
PR2 3RA 10 0 53.783772 -2.721102
PR2 3RB 51 0 53.784007 -2.720909
PR2 3RD 9 0 53.796488 -2.724402
PR2 3RE 18 0 53.795842 -2.722858
PR2 3RH 6 0 53.776727 -2.723758
PR2 3RJ 13 0 53.781183 -2.727067
PR2 3RL 32 0 53.780428 -2.727054
PR2 3RN 40 1 53.776495 -2.727942
PR2 3RP 60 0 53.776322 -2.725436
PR2 3RQ 10 0 53.776659 -2.726124