all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3LU 5 0 53.796227 -2.727419
PR2 3LW 19 0 53.776562 -2.731646
PR2 3LX 21 0 53.796704 -2.716876
PR2 3LY 28 0 53.796632 -2.719896
PR2 3NA 3 0 53.796449 -2.717433
PR2 3NB 21 6 53.79578 -2.716708
PR2 3ND 4 0 53.796128 -2.725975
PR2 3NE 36 0 53.795143 -2.726838
PR2 3NH 10 0 53.796176 -2.725535
PR2 3NJ 8 0 53.798085 -2.717537
PR2 3NL 2 0 53.798192 -2.716112
PR2 3NN 4 0 53.795876 -2.724559
PR2 3NP 15 0 53.79614 -2.722483
PR2 3NQ 13 0 53.793549 -2.724412
PR2 3NR 7 0 53.788516 -2.718345
PR2 3NS 39 0 53.789732 -2.719489
PR2 3NT 24 0 53.789897 -2.718991
PR2 3NU 39 0 53.784969 -2.722306
PR2 3NX 33 0 53.785995 -2.723645
PR2 3NY 28 0 53.786644 -2.721758