all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 6LD 70 0 51.5393 0.146003
RM9 6LE 1 1 51.516025 0.146077
RM9 6LG 1 1 51.533238 0.135236
RM9 6LH 30 1 51.537993 0.144212
RM9 6LJ 63 0 51.536407 0.140431
RM9 6LL 39 0 51.534688 0.137106
RM9 6LR 11 0 51.538138 0.145127
RM9 6LS 12 0 51.537823 0.14615
RM9 6LT 26 0 51.537393 0.147039
RM9 6LU 66 0 51.538748 0.146699
RM9 6LX 40 0 51.537168 0.144086
RM9 6NA 47 0 51.534935 0.142756
RM9 6NB 35 0 51.534944 0.143261
RM9 6ND 34 0 51.537079 0.144558
RM9 6NH 51 1 51.536926 0.145027
RM9 6NJ 66 0 51.534873 0.144209
RM9 6NL 19 0 51.533384 0.143966
RM9 6NP 12 0 51.533866 0.144666
RM9 6NR 42 0 51.533586 0.146701
RM9 6PB 64 0 51.536477 0.147428