all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 6LP 1 51.519984 0.141535
RM9 6GE 0 51.534939 0.146476
RM9 6GD 0 51.535151 0.146183
RM9 6BF 1 1 51.521373 0.140346
RM9 6LF 2 2 51.52281 0.135079
RM9 6PE 1 1 51.528899 0.154669
RM9 6FD 18 0 51.533689 0.133642
RM9 6FE 7 0 51.533593 0.134488
RM9 6FF 5 5 51.528629 0.145414
RM9 6FA 3 2 51.524064 0.136853
RM9 6FB 9 51.52508 0.144224
RM9 6PG 1 51.521318 0.147277
RM9 6RL 1 1 51.525579 0.137125