all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 6XX 23 0 51.534478 0.128344
RM9 6XY 49 0 51.5322 0.14133
RM9 6XZ 26 0 51.53265 0.142821
RM9 6YA 28 0 51.531829 0.141485
RM9 6YB 26 0 51.532738 0.140432
RM9 6YD 56 0 51.531882 0.14303
RM9 6YE 29 0 51.532654 0.141625
RM9 6YF 61 0 51.532281 0.139387
RM9 6YG 66 0 51.532922 0.142214
RM9 6YH 2 0 51.533679 0.137764
RM9 6YJ 1 0 51.528768 0.154937
RM9 6YQ 44 0 51.531734 0.138784
RM9 6YS 6 5 51.530811 0.149915
RM9 6JQ 0 51.539189 0.138312
RM9 6LB 0 51.521069 0.143229
RM9 6EF 74 0 51.540163 0.132733
RM9 6EU 48 0 51.539994 0.133605
RM9 6RS 1 0 51.52869 0.138107
RM9 6RJ 5 5 51.52281 0.135079
RM9 6LN 10 51.520131 0.141888