all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 6PD 20 0 51.538017 0.147427
RM9 6PF 1 1 51.521408 0.147296
RM9 6PR 2 2 51.517038 0.145374
RM9 6PS 1 1 51.530696 0.147891
RM9 6PU 1 1 51.517736 0.139555
RM9 6QD 5 5 51.516469 0.144512
RM9 6QJ 7 7 51.519006 0.144386
RM9 6RA 1 1 51.517786 0.143248
RM9 6RH 10 10 51.524007 0.142343
RM9 6RT 18 2 51.531742 0.146744
RM9 6SA 1 1 51.514383 0.15335
RM9 6SJ 7 7 51.530577 0.145621
RM9 6SR 1 1 51.530937 0.147009
RM9 6TA 14 0 51.535495 0.127829
RM9 6TB 39 0 51.535734 0.130003
RM9 6TD 1 1 51.536301 0.129972
RM9 6TJ 38 1 51.53801 0.130931
RM9 6TL 25 0 51.538152 0.130577
RM9 6TP 27 0 51.536993 0.12849
RM9 6UH 16 0 51.536029 0.145374