all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 6UJ 65 0 51.534735 0.144866
RM9 6UL 24 0 51.533286 0.144913
RM9 6UN 1 0 51.533432 0.139888
RM9 6UP 14 0 51.533107 0.14391
RM9 6UQ 7 6 51.532371 0.136435
RM9 6UR 30 7 51.532225 0.146896
RM9 6UU 1 1 51.531893 0.144386
RM9 6UX 31 10 51.532084 0.146198
RM9 6XA 1 1 51.532095 0.146112
RM9 6XD 27 0 51.533748 0.13983
RM9 6XG 27 0 51.533826 0.135018
RM9 6XH 27 0 51.533805 0.135666
RM9 6XJ 56 0 51.534488 0.139663
RM9 6XL 32 0 51.534202 0.139592
RM9 6XN 52 1 51.533104 0.136671
RM9 6XQ 48 0 51.533181 0.139328
RM9 6XR 12 0 51.534034 0.137421
RM9 6XS 4 0 51.534196 0.135553
RM9 6XT 17 0 51.533959 0.133655
RM9 6XU 52 0 51.534339 0.132057