all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 6QB 39 0 53.337468 -1.268486
S26 6QE 17 0 53.340969 -1.253256
S26 6QF 11 0 53.337766 -1.270178
S26 6QJ 46 0 53.33806 -1.271329
S26 6QN 41 0 53.338795 -1.267967
S26 6QP 66 7 53.341549 -1.262753
S26 6QQ 56 5 53.341494 -1.260803
S26 6QR 16 0 53.338744 -1.269876
S26 6QS 23 0 53.339537 -1.268781
S26 6QT 11 0 53.339197 -1.269042
S26 6QU 1 1 53.339284 -1.270122
S26 6QW 6 0 53.340746 -1.268009
S26 6QX 4 0 53.340262 -1.266816
S26 6QY 4 0 53.340976 -1.253001
S26 6RA 80 20 53.340559 -1.271256
S26 6RB 20 2 53.340808 -1.276344
S26 6RD 56 9 53.340924 -1.270694
S26 6RE 29 2 53.341109 -1.274506
S26 6RH 19 0 53.342566 -1.262991
S26 6RJ 62 0 53.34237 -1.266149