all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 6UY 17 1 53.332951 -1.236277
S26 6WY 1 0 53.365424 -1.235592
S26 6ZR 1 0 53.365424 -1.235592
S26 6SW 6 0 53.340134 -1.254818
S26 6LN 0 53.341 -1.268036
S26 7UA 2 0 53.320092 -1.260632
S26 7UH 12 0 53.322284 -1.259497
S26 7UJ 3 0 53.317245 -1.257273
S26 7UL 6 0 53.318033 -1.25816
S26 7UN 3 0 53.320742 -1.277704
S26 7UP 17 0 53.31828 -1.264716
S26 7WA 26 0 53.325438 -1.259263
S26 7WB 13 0 53.325284 -1.260587
S26 7WD 6 0 53.317969 -1.256555
S26 7WE 7 0 53.317769 -1.256198
S26 7WY 18 0 53.319534 -1.25956
S26 7XA 45 0 53.318973 -1.264794
S26 7XB 4 0 53.320051 -1.2647
S26 7XD 6 0 53.323147 -1.261029
S26 7XE 24 0 53.317522 -1.260826