all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7TQ 11 1 53.375121 -1.483298
S3 7TR 60 0 53.374812 -1.482671
S3 7TS 56 0 53.374103 -1.482784
S3 7TT 38 0 53.373857 -1.482096
S3 7TU 44 0 53.37355 -1.481799
S3 7TW 56 0 53.373842 -1.480683
S3 7TX 40 0 53.374264 -1.480634
S3 7TY 64 0 53.374944 -1.481828
S3 7UA 23 0 53.375502 -1.482136
S3 7UB 48 0 53.374303 -1.481355
S3 7UD 40 0 53.374376 -1.481429
S3 7UE 37 0 53.374511 -1.481517
S3 7UF 1 1 53.376002 -1.481379
S3 7UQ 1 1 53.37556 -1.476905
S3 7UR 1 1 53.375327 -1.477088
S3 7US 1 1 53.375301 -1.477269
S3 7UW 1 1 53.375126 -1.476219
S3 7WA 6 0 53.376535 -1.479764
S3 7WB 3 2 53.375325 -1.478501
S3 7WH 3 0 53.375419 -1.479612