all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 1TG 1 1 53.233288 -1.424737
S40 1TN 1 1 53.235807 -1.429018
S40 1TP 6 5 53.236196 -1.429326
S40 1TT 3 3 53.23626 -1.429415
S40 1TU 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1TW 4 4 53.235838 -1.429541
S40 1TX 28 20 53.236997 -1.429465
S40 1TY 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1UA 1 1 53.236664 -1.42941
S40 1UH 3 3 53.237153 -1.428339
S40 1UJ 4 1 53.237515 -1.428965
S40 1UL 1 1 53.237487 -1.428696
S40 1UN 1 1 53.236648 -1.428138
S40 1UR 4 4 53.236718 -1.427581
S40 1UT 6 6 53.237258 -1.425987
S40 1UX 1 1 53.23697 -1.427623
S40 1UY 20 8 53.236566 -1.425965
S40 1WU 1 0 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1XA 14 12 53.236815 -1.425454
S40 1XB 1 1 53.237058 -1.43483