all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 1XF 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1XJ 2 2 53.236069 -1.425357
S40 1XL 25 20 53.236562 -1.424931
S40 1XP 1 1 53.236393 -1.425564
S40 1XR 1 1 53.236667 -1.424647
S40 1XT 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1XZ 11 1 53.234162 -1.430733
S40 1YE 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1YL 1 0 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1YP 26 0 53.23639 -1.455514
S40 1YQ 31 0 53.236891 -1.455043
S40 1YX 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1TH 1 53.234 -1.428832
S40 1YY 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1SU 5 5 53.232832 -1.425041
S40 1NU 1 1 53.236702 -1.431793
S40 1PZ 1 1 53.235604 -1.427656
S40 2AB 11 10 53.233943 -1.43962
S40 2AG 1 1 53.23413 -1.441086
S40 2AH 20 16 53.235649 -1.439283