all postcodes in S70 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S70 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S70 5TF 38 4 53.503913 -1.479956
S70 5TG 20 1 53.502195 -1.47954
S70 5TH 37 0 53.503897 -1.478373
S70 5TJ 21 0 53.503821 -1.479369
S70 5TL 24 0 53.501919 -1.478201
S70 5TN 18 1 53.502282 -1.479101
S70 5TQ 10 0 53.504501 -1.478848
S70 5TT 35 2 53.499521 -1.476617
S70 5TU 8 5 53.500418 -1.478219
S70 5TW 9 6 53.501495 -1.475704
S70 5TX 6 0 53.499859 -1.477804
S70 5TY 1 0 53.49854 -1.476373
S70 5TZ 8 0 53.498915 -1.477801
S70 5UA 51 1 53.502047 -1.480702
S70 5UB 30 0 53.503636 -1.482462
S70 5UD 3 1 53.504552 -1.48631
S70 5UE 2 0 53.505361 -1.484175
S70 5UF 6 0 53.504761 -1.482719
S70 5UG 27 0 53.50548 -1.482665
S70 5UH 7 0 53.505062 -1.481585