all postcodes in S70 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S70 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S70 5UJ 4 0 53.505321 -1.483451
S70 5UL 12 0 53.505548 -1.48182
S70 5UN 42 4 53.505285 -1.481085
S70 5UP 4 0 53.506241 -1.482113
S70 5UQ 7 0 53.504912 -1.482295
S70 5UR 4 0 53.506571 -1.481386
S70 5UU 3 0 53.507091 -1.481032
S70 5UW 39 0 53.506354 -1.481147
S70 5UX 11 1 53.507754 -1.480632
S70 5UY 35 1 53.509139 -1.480736
S70 5UZ 17 3 53.510534 -1.481202
S70 5XA 37 0 53.507952 -1.478609
S70 5XB 34 2 53.509685 -1.480217
S70 5XD 6 0 53.509325 -1.474084
S70 5XE 7 0 53.5094 -1.472771
S70 5XF 27 2 53.507347 -1.480095
S70 5XG 61 0 53.503729 -1.481164
S70 5XH 6 0 53.504013 -1.482261
S70 5XJ 6 0 53.514977 -1.481901
S70 5XN 1 53.506124 -1.479853