all postcodes in S70 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S70 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S70 5RB 1 0 53.514313 -1.482211
S70 5RD 1 0 53.51704 -1.482811
S70 5RE 42 0 53.51314 -1.479104
S70 5RF 19 0 53.514234 -1.478291
S70 5RG 25 0 53.515135 -1.476772
S70 5RH 15 1 53.515029 -1.479216
S70 5RJ 36 0 53.515041 -1.47997
S70 5RL 29 0 53.516173 -1.47783
S70 5RN 20 0 53.515724 -1.477926
S70 5RP 17 0 53.514802 -1.480788
S70 5RQ 4 0 53.515122 -1.477964
S70 5RR 11 0 53.514881 -1.476353
S70 5RS 8 0 53.514304 -1.475847
S70 5RT 12 0 53.513483 -1.477365
S70 5RU 19 0 53.513612 -1.477892
S70 5RW 16 0 53.513858 -1.476773
S70 5RX 29 0 53.512312 -1.478827
S70 5RY 8 0 53.5113 -1.477588
S70 5RZ 18 0 53.510921 -1.477306
S70 5SA 9 0 53.511949 -1.477942