all postcodes in S70 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S70 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S70 5LW 17 2 53.519805 -1.473909
S70 5LX 9 0 53.520338 -1.474446
S70 5LY 2 0 53.516238 -1.461889
S70 5LZ 2 0 53.523058 -1.46758
S70 5ND 9 0 53.520712 -1.485994
S70 5NE 26 0 53.52712 -1.471495
S70 5NG 2 0 53.527552 -1.475504
S70 5NH 18 0 53.528104 -1.472464
S70 5NJ 8 0 53.528005 -1.474336
S70 5NL 22 0 53.52697 -1.472055
S70 5NP 12 0 53.530988 -1.458156
S70 5NQ 9 0 53.528502 -1.472987
S70 5NR 25 0 53.53055 -1.458705
S70 5NS 14 0 53.530338 -1.457456
S70 5NT 6 0 53.529826 -1.459499
S70 5NU 9 0 53.528807 -1.460809
S70 5NW 16 0 53.529358 -1.459414
S70 5PA 18 1 53.529198 -1.46174
S70 5PF 14 0 53.52807 -1.462734
S70 5PG 27 8 53.529542 -1.458281