all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 3EF 17 0 51.808936 -0.08688
SG14 3EG 30 0 51.810654 -0.086329
SG14 3EH 30 0 51.806811 -0.087231
SG14 3EJ 20 0 51.802589 -0.085815
SG14 3EL 6 0 51.800067 -0.081744
SG14 3EN 6 0 51.800046 -0.082079
SG14 3EP 23 1 51.800675 -0.082081
SG14 3ER 1 0 51.801862 -0.08264
SG14 3ES 39 2 51.803937 -0.081348
SG14 3ET 19 2 51.805117 -0.08153
SG14 3EU 25 0 51.805255 -0.080567
SG14 3EX 29 0 51.807268 -0.08051
SG14 3EY 26 3 51.808705 -0.081103
SG14 3EZ 20 0 51.806148 -0.081312
SG14 3HA 8 0 51.807717 -0.080477
SG14 3HB 18 0 51.804593 -0.080232
SG14 3HD 13 1 51.805868 -0.081774
SG14 3HE 14 0 51.810335 -0.080554
SG14 3HF 78 0 51.857657 -0.119885
SG14 3HG 2 1 51.81274 -0.086327