all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 3HH 14 0 51.807987 -0.079929
SG14 3HJ 4 1 51.811304 -0.080411
SG14 3HN 20 0 51.811619 -0.084881
SG14 3HP 22 0 51.811237 -0.086261
SG14 3HQ 6 0 51.812764 -0.085616
SG14 3HR 16 0 51.81161 -0.087086
SG14 3HT 20 0 51.810967 -0.079613
SG14 3HU 2 0 51.810717 -0.079305
SG14 3HW 12 0 51.812164 -0.085206
SG14 3HX 16 0 51.80393 -0.077664
SG14 3HY 1 1 51.795734 -0.072981
SG14 3HZ 8 0 51.808045 -0.076894
SG14 3JA 16 1 51.803084 -0.080369
SG14 3JD 8 0 51.804972 -0.078693
SG14 3JE 32 0 51.805226 -0.076042
SG14 3JF 16 0 51.804405 -0.075903
SG14 3JG 10 0 51.805447 -0.075293
SG14 3JH 4 0 51.806578 -0.073533
SG14 3JJ 16 0 51.80577 -0.079791
SG14 3JL 37 0 51.80587 -0.076929