all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 3RR 4 2 51.876464 -0.133686
SG14 3RS 5 0 51.880764 -0.137824
SG14 3RU 14 0 51.870516 -0.128892
SG14 3RX 5 0 51.869563 -0.144227
SG14 3RY 16 1 51.869421 -0.143202
SG14 3RZ 17 0 51.855686 -0.10912
SG14 3SA 5 0 51.856697 -0.110428
SG14 3SB 21 4 51.856609 -0.109458
SG14 3SD 40 0 51.856779 -0.108304
SG14 3SE 21 0 51.855921 -0.1103
SG14 3SF 6 0 51.856453 -0.112154
SG14 3SG 16 1 51.855817 -0.113877
SG14 3SH 20 0 51.856536 -0.116664
SG14 3SJ 18 0 51.855934 -0.116138
SG14 3SL 15 0 51.85714 -0.117351
SG14 3SN 41 0 51.857364 -0.116136
SG14 3SP 49 0 51.857726 -0.116876
SG14 3SQ 51 0 51.856893 -0.113701
SG14 3SS 5 0 51.856599 -0.112203
SG14 3ST 12 0 51.861022 -0.119425