all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 3LN 20 0 51.808395 -0.077967
SG14 3LP 25 1 51.809363 -0.079391
SG14 3LQ 16 0 51.80615 -0.078672
SG14 3LR 30 0 51.809699 -0.078492
SG14 3LS 17 0 51.810232 -0.079746
SG14 3LT 3 0 51.805073 -0.090931
SG14 3LU 2 0 51.817987 -0.089501
SG14 3LW 19 0 51.809235 -0.078193
SG14 3LX 19 0 51.808897 -0.078381
SG14 3LY 30 0 51.809571 -0.077294
SG14 3LZ 7 0 51.817805 -0.087012
SG14 3NA 6 0 51.834318 -0.100537
SG14 3NB 10 1 51.835837 -0.097715
SG14 3ND 40 0 51.836802 -0.095657
SG14 3NE 6 1 51.847249 -0.09182
SG14 3NG 1 1 51.854654 -0.089734
SG14 3NH 3 0 51.847588 -0.090977
SG14 3NJ 2 0 51.838295 -0.088076
SG14 3NL 3 0 51.858976 -0.080692
SG14 3NN 2 0 51.841366 -0.100995