all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 3NP 3 0 51.854854 -0.098309
SG14 3NQ 1 0 51.854169 -0.08325
SG14 3NR 2 0 51.847588 -0.098833
SG14 3NS 4 0 51.825733 -0.094034
SG14 3NT 8 0 51.807406 -0.074078
SG14 3NU 12 11 51.833449 -0.101299
SG14 3NW 40 0 51.837576 -0.100197
SG14 3NX 7 0 51.806491 -0.090248
SG14 3NZ 14 0 51.855931 -0.106423
SG14 3PZ 1 1 51.795734 -0.072981
SG14 3RA 4 1 51.856177 -0.106616
SG14 3RB 9 0 51.8522 -0.109266
SG14 3RD 3 0 51.854037 -0.112328
SG14 3RG 18 0 51.862296 -0.119212
SG14 3RH 38 0 51.860815 -0.116021
SG14 3RJ 6 1 51.866666 -0.120381
SG14 3RL 11 0 51.869796 -0.121514
SG14 3RN 4 0 51.8707 -0.124657
SG14 3RP 8 4 51.877951 -0.131068
SG14 3RQ 8 0 51.862474 -0.118551