all postcodes in SG3 / KNEBWORTH

find any address or company within the SG3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG3 6UH 6 0 51.851516 -0.156833
SG3 6UT 1 1 51.865744 -0.182531
SG3 6XA 1 1 51.852146 -0.183437
SG3 6XQ 1 1 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6ZG 1 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6DR 3 0 51.864875 -0.184391
SG3 6RF 6 0 51.867001 -0.188203
SG3 6JY 6 0 51.851819 -0.18149
SG3 6PJ 1 51.867044 -0.187978
SG3 6EL 23 0 51.866252 -0.182694
SG3 6WP 1 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6DY 8 0 51.866645 -0.188357
SG3 6EN 5 0 51.867656 -0.18807
SG3 6UZ 1 1 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6US 1 1 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6FD 1 51.852146 -0.183437
SG3 6XZ 1 1 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6XF 1 0 51.865737 -0.182555
SG3 6EE 26 0 51.863979 -0.182341
SG3 6EQ 0 51.866194 -0.19069