all postcodes in SG3 / KNEBWORTH

find any address or company within the SG3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG3 6QX 6 1 51.863119 -0.177321
SG3 6QZ 4 0 51.863582 -0.16655
SG3 6RA 6 0 51.859377 -0.168449
SG3 6RB 3 0 51.856842 -0.169641
SG3 6RD 3 0 51.8548 -0.169027
SG3 6RE 17 3 51.857632 -0.163786
SG3 6RG 2 0 51.858188 -0.159788
SG3 6RH 3 0 51.857171 -0.157342
SG3 6RJ 14 0 51.857832 -0.155326
SG3 6RL 4 0 51.858731 -0.150714
SG3 6RN 2 0 51.860599 -0.148391
SG3 6RP 20 0 51.858114 -0.157246
SG3 6RR 24 0 51.858801 -0.155213
SG3 6RS 4 0 51.848383 -0.157135
SG3 6RU 3 0 51.84968 -0.152802
SG3 6RX 18 0 51.846696 -0.157378
SG3 6RZ 6 1 51.840809 -0.156399
SG3 6SA 18 2 51.838661 -0.152495
SG3 6SB 10 0 51.840586 -0.1577
SG3 6SE 19 0 51.838476 -0.155551