all postcodes in SG3 / KNEBWORTH

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG3 6EX 19 51.866149 -0.183125
SG3 6EY 13 51.865747 -0.183257
SG3 6GL 0 51.851264 -0.156785
SG3 6HA 1 51.866107 -0.183833
SG3 6HB 4 51.863773 -0.183462
SG3 6HE 0 51.86345 -0.182342
SG3 6HF 0 51.862989 -0.182889
SG3 6HG 1 51.861017 -0.18321
SG3 6HH 0 51.860489 -0.184035
SG3 6HJ 1 51.861145 -0.18398
SG3 6HP 0 51.869819 -0.187306
SG3 6HQ 1 51.872112 -0.211264
SG3 6HS 0 51.854502 -0.182267
SG3 6HW 0 51.852361 -0.178143
SG3 6HY 0 51.854637 -0.181725
SG3 6JD 0 51.853658 -0.1819
SG3 6JE 7 51.853378 -0.181229
SG3 6JF 0 51.853309 -0.1796
SG3 6JG 0 51.853253 -0.182347
SG3 6JH 0 51.854527 -0.182731