all postcodes in SG3 / KNEBWORTH

find any address or company within the SG3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG3 6SG 16 7 51.850847 -0.172836
SG3 6SL 9 0 51.869417 -0.213797
SG3 6SP 7 0 51.849655 -0.15913
SG3 6SR 16 0 51.857602 -0.158443
SG3 6SS 8 0 51.856996 -0.158801
SG3 6ST 21 0 51.855476 -0.157615
SG3 6SU 23 0 51.853102 -0.158772
SG3 6SX 22 0 51.851146 -0.158488
SG3 6SZ 27 0 51.849942 -0.158523
SG3 6TA 18 0 51.849444 -0.160024
SG3 6TB 1 1 51.848652 -0.158271
SG3 6TD 15 0 51.850382 -0.159623
SG3 6TE 29 0 51.851765 -0.156067
SG3 6TF 28 0 51.853603 -0.155702
SG3 6TG 45 0 51.85164 -0.157829
SG3 6TL 43 3 51.849487 -0.161605
SG3 6TN 1 0 51.850286 -0.16558
SG3 6TP 8 0 51.849833 -0.165337
SG3 6TQ 42 0 51.851865 -0.157268
SG3 6UE 1 1 51.865744 -0.182531