all postcodes in SG3 / KNEBWORTH

find any address or company within the SG3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG3 6PL 1 51.865962 -0.194267
SG3 6PP 13 0 51.867235 -0.202312
SG3 6PR 49 0 51.868229 -0.20783
SG3 6PS 3 0 51.868848 -0.209046
SG3 6PT 1 0 51.872 -0.210397
SG3 6PU 7 0 51.867762 -0.19084
SG3 6PW 3 0 51.866541 -0.195057
SG3 6PX 2 0 51.882028 -0.204744
SG3 6PY 7 0 51.878114 -0.216421
SG3 6QA 4 0 51.868891 -0.213053
SG3 6QB 6 1 51.868274 -0.214902
SG3 6QD 8 0 51.868678 -0.215618
SG3 6QE 5 0 51.867109 -0.216401
SG3 6QF 5 0 51.8667 -0.216844
SG3 6QG 4 2 51.865467 -0.219129
SG3 6QH 6 0 51.865282 -0.220589
SG3 6QJ 29 17 51.863429 -0.221557
SG3 6QL 4 0 51.867963 -0.223484
SG3 6QN 15 0 51.867449 -0.214621
SG3 6QT 56 0 51.850478 -0.18317