all postcodes in SG9 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG9 0RU 13 7 51.976898 -0.047903
SG9 0RW 2 0 51.976836 -0.062672
SG9 0RX 4 0 51.966855 -0.037728
SG9 0RY 1 0 51.962721 -0.03031
SG9 0SA 5 0 51.9643 -0.003966
SG9 0SG 11 0 51.967975 -0.10166
SG9 0SH 4 0 51.967061 -0.102368
SG9 0SJ 9 0 51.966533 -0.100878
SG9 0SL 9 0 51.966239 -0.10102
SG9 0SN 3 0 51.967563 -0.099495
SG9 0SP 6 0 51.965643 -0.093084
SG9 0SQ 1 0 51.967805 -0.101143
SG9 0SR 3 0 51.967997 -0.091905
SG9 0SS 3 0 51.97547 -0.075368
SG9 0ST 1 0 51.967851 -0.079567
SG9 0SU 1 0 51.965216 -0.105636
SG9 0SW 2 0 51.968213 -0.097459
SG9 0SX 12 0 51.968855 -0.09264
SG9 0SY 2 0 51.968338 -0.09182
SG9 0SZ 4 0 51.96857 -0.103949