all postcodes in SG9 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG9 0QS 10 1 51.991892 -0.078276
SG9 0QT 21 0 51.992184 -0.081307
SG9 0QU 16 0 51.993015 -0.07983
SG9 0QW 1 1 51.989988 -0.081154
SG9 0QX 3 0 51.99321 -0.076355
SG9 0QY 4 1 51.993102 -0.075254
SG9 0QZ 2 0 51.998019 -0.070163
SG9 0RA 4 0 51.994887 -0.077158
SG9 0RB 1 0 51.999111 -0.095828
SG9 0RE 1 0 51.991395 -0.064926
SG9 0RF 2 0 51.990563 -0.073382
SG9 0RG 2 0 51.985698 -0.06676
SG9 0RH 9 0 52.000524 -0.084259
SG9 0RJ 6 0 52.006711 -0.10486
SG9 0RL 8 0 51.983574 -0.071046
SG9 0RN 17 0 51.978145 -0.063547
SG9 0RQ 9 0 51.983594 -0.06519
SG9 0RR 1 0 51.97536 -0.05988
SG9 0RS 4 0 51.971377 -0.059339
SG9 0RT 1 0 51.969687 -0.050096