all postcodes in SG9 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG9 0TA 12 2 51.969227 -0.10567
SG9 0TB 10 0 51.972715 -0.114024
SG9 0TD 4 0 51.975782 -0.097864
SG9 0TE 1 0 51.978095 -0.089075
SG9 0TF 2 0 51.978357 -0.083603
SG9 0TG 9 0 51.979271 -0.109047
SG9 0TH 7 0 51.981152 -0.108558
SG9 0TJ 10 0 51.976861 0.042269
SG9 0TP 1 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG9 0TQ 8 0 51.980163 -0.108543
SG9 0TR 8 0 51.931637 0.075301
SG9 0TS 22 0 51.931175 0.087193
SG9 0UH 9 0 51.964766 -0.003305
SG9 0ZN 1 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG9 0ZU 1 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG9 0RP 1 0 51.975299 -0.062155
SG9 0DP 0 51.969799 -0.028777
SG9 0DQ 1 0 51.964588 -0.011363
SG9 0BF 0 51.979813 0.045709
SG9 0DS 0 51.993025 -0.081563