all postcodes in SG9 / BUNTINGFORD

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG9 0LH 4 1 51.931125 0.080848
SG9 0LJ 12 0 51.931362 0.08371
SG9 0LL 24 2 51.928776 0.087051
SG9 0LN 4 0 51.930444 0.080249
SG9 0LP 3 0 51.927432 0.099469
SG9 0LQ 11 0 51.928819 0.08768
SG9 0LR 7 2 51.920254 0.106609
SG9 0LS 8 1 51.943458 0.033768
SG9 0LT 6 0 51.941555 0.041902
SG9 0LU 7 0 51.941624 0.037918
SG9 0LW 6 0 51.930728 0.080423
SG9 0LX 2 0 51.941674 0.039172
SG9 0LY 1 0 51.941628 0.039257
SG9 0LZ 4 0 51.941144 0.042276
SG9 0NA 7 0 51.94193 0.03946
SG9 0NG 12 0 51.949008 0.038865
SG9 0NH 2 0 51.94743 0.034471
SG9 0NJ 1 0 51.946139 0.044613
SG9 0NL 15 0 51.949856 0.038743
SG9 0NR 10 1 51.950029 0.035448