all postcodes in SG9 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG9 0PR 6 0 51.986796 -0.026749
SG9 0PS 1 0 51.987346 -0.026288
SG9 0PT 7 0 51.98708 -0.023314
SG9 0PU 4 0 51.985053 -0.024684
SG9 0PW 6 0 51.983548 -0.028275
SG9 0PX 14 0 51.985553 -0.027153
SG9 0PY 8 0 51.985839 -0.026515
SG9 0QA 1 0 51.981767 -0.040629
SG9 0QB 2 2 51.987708 -0.028035
SG9 0QD 8 2 51.957373 -0.10716
SG9 0QE 17 1 51.987059 -0.09066
SG9 0QF 3 0 51.985374 -0.088226
SG9 0QG 14 0 51.987656 -0.08593
SG9 0QH 3 0 51.994134 -0.110706
SG9 0QJ 3 0 51.986586 -0.083717
SG9 0QL 8 0 51.987787 -0.080725
SG9 0QN 3 0 51.989855 -0.081248
SG9 0QP 8 0 51.991206 -0.080854
SG9 0QQ 1 1 51.987365 -0.081821
SG9 0QR 13 0 51.992176 -0.07911