all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 1SY 6 0 51.481896 -1.733068
SN8 1SZ 5 0 51.498245 -1.704435
SN8 1TA 6 0 51.484803 -1.715078
SN8 1TB 3 2 51.470329 -1.708732
SN8 1TD 7 1 51.464254 -1.70654
SN8 1TE 3 0 51.466553 -1.708987
SN8 1TF 9 1 51.464977 -1.711775
SN8 1TG 10 0 51.466077 -1.709134
SN8 1TH 12 0 51.418389 -1.749587
SN8 1TJ 5 0 51.41905 -1.747929
SN8 1TL 12 0 51.4187 -1.752044
SN8 1TN 8 0 51.418418 -1.750766
SN8 1TP 21 0 51.419025 -1.75279
SN8 1TQ 8 0 51.46624 -1.709651
SN8 1TR 22 0 51.419272 -1.750747
SN8 1TS 16 0 51.41873 -1.749599
SN8 1TT 25 0 51.419286 -1.748733
SN8 1TU 6 0 51.418583 -1.748162
SN8 1TW 15 0 51.418091 -1.753413
SN8 1TZ 4 0 51.418342 -1.744453