all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 1PU 13 2 51.418758 -1.78637
SN8 1PW 19 0 51.421434 -1.724924
SN8 1PX 8 0 51.417568 -1.789712
SN8 1PY 14 4 51.415613 -1.787622
SN8 1PZ 3 0 51.415875 -1.788239
SN8 1QA 14 0 51.416043 -1.791473
SN8 1QB 6 0 51.415987 -1.790654
SN8 1QD 3 1 51.413967 -1.813353
SN8 1QE 2 1 51.414325 -1.813788
SN8 1QF 10 2 51.413557 -1.840603
SN8 1QG 2 0 51.4142 -1.83901
SN8 1QH 1 0 51.414138 -1.851457
SN8 1QJ 32 3 51.418174 -1.873446
SN8 1QL 4 0 51.418416 -1.872655
SN8 1QN 2 0 51.418018 -1.872676
SN8 1QP 1 0 51.411173 -1.89522
SN8 1QQ 2 0 51.414219 -1.839801
SN8 1QR 5 1 51.420255 -1.876892
SN8 1QS 5 0 51.424698 -1.863726
SN8 1QT 13 0 51.423101 -1.865134