all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

find any address or company within the SN8 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 1YU 22 0 51.424959 -1.736002
SN8 1ZJ 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 1ZP 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 1ZH 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 1ZZ 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 1WS 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 1RW 2 0 51.467382 -1.706292
SN8 1RS 1 51.47065 -1.798197
SN8 1NY 1 51.420941 -1.7295
SN8 1NZ 6 0 51.420275 -1.740574
SN8 1ED 6 0 51.421398 -1.728329
SN8 1EJ 0 51.423155 -1.72967
SN8 1EL 0 51.419172 -1.733879
SN8 1ES 0 51.466291 -1.712069
SN8 1EX 3 0 51.420271 -1.727534