all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 1UA 21 0 51.419525 -1.74308
SN8 1UB 16 0 51.4193 -1.74265
SN8 1UD 16 0 51.420414 -1.742327
SN8 1UE 5 0 51.419622 -1.741915
SN8 1UF 6 0 51.418676 -1.741244
SN8 1UG 16 0 51.419816 -1.744143
SN8 1UH 10 0 51.419217 -1.74603
SN8 1UJ 9 0 51.449254 -1.728351
SN8 1UL 16 0 51.420462 -1.743593
SN8 1UN 7 0 51.423234 -1.728663
SN8 1UP 12 0 51.418352 -1.745258
SN8 1UQ 10 0 51.419485 -1.745123
SN8 1UR 22 0 51.41849 -1.746437
SN8 1US 7 0 51.418723 -1.74632
SN8 1UW 4 0 51.418638 -1.744149
SN8 1XB 4 0 51.44227 -1.733097
SN8 1XE 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 1XF 5 0 51.448252 -1.730213
SN8 1XG 49 1 51.416823 -1.732684
SN8 1XN 1 1 51.419647 -1.733606