all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 1QU 2 0 51.420913 -1.87284
SN8 1QW 2 0 51.41642 -1.875225
SN8 1QX 11 0 51.424153 -1.86552
SN8 1QY 5 1 51.425581 -1.863617
SN8 1QZ 45 0 51.425 -1.866826
SN8 1RA 12 0 51.428084 -1.866414
SN8 1RB 3 0 51.428548 -1.863651
SN8 1RD 1 1 51.426433 -1.854452
SN8 1RE 12 1 51.428931 -1.852661
SN8 1RF 40 6 51.427911 -1.857353
SN8 1RG 4 0 51.42818 -1.858465
SN8 1RH 14 0 51.433878 -1.85453
SN8 1RJ 8 0 51.423695 -1.865248
SN8 1RN 6 0 51.442954 -1.733208
SN8 1RP 5 0 51.419801 -1.758524
SN8 1RQ 31 0 51.432608 -1.85262
SN8 1RR 39 0 51.419293 -1.75624
SN8 1RT 19 1 51.444073 -1.764871
SN8 1RU 9 1 51.453235 -1.80358
SN8 1RX 5 0 51.439896 -1.745804