all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 9SX 0 50.764069 -1.547033
SO41 9SY 1 50.758211 -1.541357
SO41 9TL 0 50.765647 -1.552713
SO41 9TN 0 50.75812 -1.550147
SO41 9UZ 1 50.75798 -1.544379
SO41 9XP 1 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 9YA 3 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 9YB 1 50.760138 -1.546655
SO41 9YJ 1 50.758583 -1.539893
SO41 9YS 1 50.758061 -1.542087
SO41 9YY 1 50.758138 -1.543546
SO41 9ZB 1 50.757753 -1.543672
SO41 9ZF 1 50.758086 -1.541486
SO41 9ZG 1 50.76047 -1.546359
SO41 9ZP 1 50.758795 -1.541266
SO41 9ZQ 1 50.757937 -1.542641
SO41 9ZR 0 50.76042 -1.545163
SO41 9ZS 1 50.771657 -1.560583
SO41 9ZT 1 50.757856 -1.54472
SO41 9ZZ 1 50.75707 -1.543906