all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 9LR 0 50.766931 -1.547426
SO41 9LS 0 50.766802 -1.54676
SO41 9LT 0 50.762821 -1.554512
SO41 9LU 0 50.760349 -1.554592
SO41 9LW 0 50.762762 -1.555434
SO41 9LX 0 50.763332 -1.551515
SO41 9LY 2 50.757258 -1.548299
SO41 9LZ 0 50.758116 -1.553876
SO41 9NA 10 50.756993 -1.547215
SO41 9NB 10 50.756986 -1.547811
SO41 9ND 7 50.757466 -1.546127
SO41 9NE 19 50.757246 -1.547709
SO41 9NF 1 50.757758 -1.547406
SO41 9NG 5 50.757395 -1.548737
SO41 9NL 0 50.757374 -1.548113
SO41 9NH 5 50.757252 -1.548937
SO41 9RP 0 50.758214 -1.537515
SO41 9RQ 0 50.758286 -1.537604
SO41 9RR 0 50.758718 -1.537524
SO41 9RS 0 50.758393 -1.537158