all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 9JR 0 50.760591 -1.559141
SO41 9JS 0 50.760031 -1.558593
SO41 9JT 0 50.760427 -1.558717
SO41 9JU 0 50.759761 -1.558426
SO41 9JW 0 50.759488 -1.560016
SO41 9JX 0 50.759584 -1.559278
SO41 9JY 0 50.764321 -1.551676
SO41 9JZ 0 50.758499 -1.555262
SO41 9LA 0 50.762233 -1.555779
SO41 9LB 0 50.759575 -1.561674
SO41 9LD 0 50.761884 -1.556265
SO41 9LE 0 50.760548 -1.555016
SO41 9LF 0 50.759931 -1.555858
SO41 9LG 0 50.763734 -1.553213
SO41 9LH 0 50.762958 -1.552645
SO41 9LJ 0 50.766606 -1.544905
SO41 9LL 0 50.766165 -1.544739
SO41 9LN 0 50.765693 -1.545977
SO41 9LP 0 50.765832 -1.546926
SO41 9LQ 0 50.766205 -1.54583