all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 9FN 0 50.767491 -1.545747
SO41 9FP 0 50.758468 -1.542517
SO41 9FR 0 50.766803 -1.549256
SO41 9FS 0 50.766383 -1.547558
SO41 9FT 0 50.759304 -1.54024
SO41 9FW 0 50.759533 -1.536864
SO41 9FX 0 50.760143 -1.547845
SO41 9FY 0 50.761044 -1.548205
SO41 9GN 0 50.760049 -1.544557
SO41 9GA 1 50.756849 -1.549408
SO41 9GB 0 50.75672 -1.551003
SO41 9GD 0 50.756089 -1.552818
SO41 9GE 0 50.755475 -1.552384
SO41 9GF 4 50.757146 -1.549581
SO41 9GG 1 50.758835 -1.549219
SO41 9GH 1 50.759018 -1.549969
SO41 9GJ 8 50.760041 -1.547285
SO41 9GL 0 50.761084 -1.544618
SO41 9GP 3 50.761094 -1.547269
SO41 9GQ 0 50.761735 -1.55034