all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 9GR 0 50.762152 -1.551144
SO41 9GS 0 50.761331 -1.552697
SO41 9GT 0 50.76122 -1.554229
SO41 9GU 0 50.761756 -1.553331
SO41 9GW 0 50.762361 -1.553992
SO41 9GX 0 50.762102 -1.552222
SO41 9GY 0 50.763291 -1.550367
SO41 9GZ 0 50.764823 -1.551033
SO41 9HA 1 50.766923 -1.552621
SO41 9HB 0 50.761644 -1.55718
SO41 9HD 0 50.765267 -1.549795
SO41 9HE 0 50.758092 -1.552303
SO41 9HF 0 50.758379 -1.552201
SO41 9HG 0 50.75894 -1.550622
SO41 9HH 0 50.759904 -1.551213
SO41 9HJ 0 50.759 -1.552371
SO41 9HL 1 50.759182 -1.552845
SO41 9HN 0 50.759937 -1.552597
SO41 9HP 0 50.760085 -1.553815
SO41 9HQ 0 50.758055 -1.554415