all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0FJ 37 0 50.758415 -1.609789
SO41 0FL 7 2 50.764703 -1.61046
SO41 0FN 40 5 50.762432 -1.61705
SO41 0FP 35 2 50.766986 -1.62674
SO41 0FQ 9 0 50.761014 -1.626242
SO41 0FY 21 0 50.757491 -1.613029
SO41 0FZ 2 0 50.756075 -1.614578
SO41 0GA 45 4 50.760714 -1.625124
SO41 0GB 40 0 50.760193 -1.625426
SO41 0GD 3 0 50.758311 -1.630162
SO41 0GE 9 0 50.758617 -1.6277
SO41 0GF 50 0 50.756994 -1.626033
SO41 0GG 38 0 50.755395 -1.623926
SO41 0GH 8 0 50.755578 -1.622018
SO41 0GJ 34 0 50.759383 -1.622342
SO41 0GL 41 5 50.758683 -1.62283
SO41 0GN 42 0 50.757448 -1.624881
SO41 0GP 29 0 50.757852 -1.624637
SO41 0GQ 10 0 50.759002 -1.626981
SO41 0GR 40 0 50.759517 -1.624907