all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0GS 35 0 50.758975 -1.624174
SO41 0GT 27 0 50.757614 -1.623221
SO41 0GU 45 0 50.757768 -1.620852
SO41 0GW 12 0 50.760308 -1.622108
SO41 0GX 31 0 50.758264 -1.624109
SO41 0GY 12 0 50.758333 -1.623052
SO41 0GZ 13 0 50.753549 -1.612026
SO41 0HA 35 1 50.754872 -1.609875
SO41 0HB 44 1 50.754378 -1.609922
SO41 0HD 29 16 50.754349 -1.606675
SO41 0HE 22 1 50.751334 -1.603334
SO41 0HF 7 0 50.755596 -1.600547
SO41 0HG 46 0 50.751266 -1.609664
SO41 0HH 47 0 50.753459 -1.609546
SO41 0HJ 15 0 50.751518 -1.607039
SO41 0HL 8 0 50.751496 -1.611278
SO41 0HN 22 0 50.752051 -1.610508
SO41 0HP 18 0 50.753238 -1.610697
SO41 0HQ 14 0 50.752559 -1.611964
SO41 0HR 5 0 50.749998 -1.615351