all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 2SA 1 51.012225 -1.648789
SP5 2SB 0 51.013534 -1.647653
SP5 2SD 2 51.012841 -1.643613
SP5 2SE 0 51.012232 -1.639366
SP5 2SF 0 51.01035 -1.635646
SP5 2SG 4 51.011104 -1.652689
SP5 2SH 0 51.010814 -1.654971
SP5 2SJ 1 51.01079 -1.65624
SP5 2SL 0 51.010499 -1.657258
SP5 2SN 0 51.010055 -1.656773
SP5 2SP 0 51.009487 -1.656506
SP5 2SQ 0 51.011504 -1.651175
SP5 2SR 1 50.980994 -1.71834
SP5 2SS 0 51.005872 -1.656291
SP5 2ST 0 51.007272 -1.652332
SP5 2SU 3 51.009308 -1.650735
SP5 2SW 0 51.009997 -1.657732
SP5 2SX 0 51.007454 -1.65005
SP5 2SY 0 51.009289 -1.650336
SP5 2SZ 0 51.014184 -1.645438