all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 2JQ 0 50.989196 -1.721786
SP5 2JR 0 50.993501 -1.717752
SP5 2JS 0 50.993586 -1.71492
SP5 2JT 0 50.990859 -1.714533
SP5 2JU 0 50.989406 -1.697777
SP5 2JW 0 50.98934 -1.718774
SP5 2JX 1 50.996517 -1.687481
SP5 2JY 0 50.990649 -1.720832
SP5 2JZ 0 50.987039 -1.719073
SP5 2LD 1 50.986998 -1.71715
SP5 2LE 0 50.984692 -1.719287
SP5 2LF 0 50.985573 -1.718925
SP5 2LG 0 50.984728 -1.718973
SP5 2LH 0 50.981527 -1.71857
SP5 2LJ 0 50.981851 -1.715557
SP5 2LL 0 50.981002 -1.717685
SP5 2LN 3 50.979673 -1.71879
SP5 2LP 0 50.976125 -1.719842
SP5 2LQ 0 50.983746 -1.718495
SP5 2LR 0 50.9788 -1.71814