all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 2NS 0 50.991671 -1.712291
SP5 2NT 0 50.990215 -1.711821
SP5 2NU 0 50.988683 -1.700371
SP5 2NW 0 50.977138 -1.714537
SP5 2NX 0 50.991905 -1.690903
SP5 2NY 0 50.98637 -1.706854
SP5 2PA 0 50.985146 -1.695735
SP5 2PD 0 50.981472 -1.696675
SP5 2PE 0 50.981345 -1.6967
SP5 2PF 0 50.980674 -1.698001
SP5 2PG 1 50.979964 -1.698148
SP5 2PH 0 50.978491 -1.691932
SP5 2PJ 0 50.98109 -1.702105
SP5 2PL 0 50.980673 -1.701362
SP5 2PN 0 50.979204 -1.703323
SP5 2PP 0 50.979059 -1.702897
SP5 2PQ 0 50.97343 -1.686012
SP5 2PR 1 50.977647 -1.706467
SP5 2PS 0 50.975589 -1.70291
SP5 2PT 0 50.97519 -1.705784