all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 2LS 0 50.97974 -1.720242
SP5 2LT 3 50.982985 -1.719781
SP5 2LU 0 50.978107 -1.718087
SP5 2LW 1 50.979613 -1.719436
SP5 2LX 0 50.984137 -1.720358
SP5 2LY 0 50.984528 -1.721586
SP5 2LZ 0 50.984006 -1.721713
SP5 2NA 0 50.985201 -1.725139
SP5 2NB 0 50.9855 -1.725712
SP5 2ND 0 50.981576 -1.724154
SP5 2NE 2 50.983841 -1.728039
SP5 2NF 0 50.980955 -1.720534
SP5 2NG 0 50.980564 -1.722094
SP5 2NH 1 50.977244 -1.721952
SP5 2NJ 0 50.988678 -1.716271
SP5 2NL 0 50.984044 -1.718764
SP5 2NN 0 50.97867 -1.72022
SP5 2NP 0 50.981595 -1.721442
SP5 2NQ 0 50.981592 -1.72016
SP5 2NR 0 50.990269 -1.712428